Scholarships for foreign nationals of Georgia to study in Slovenia


We would like to inform you that the Slovene Human Resources and Scholarship Fund published the Call for applications for the award of scholarship for postgraduate study in the field of economy and law for nationals of Georgia in Slovenia (Call for applications No. 222).

The call and the required documentation are published on the official web page of the Fund, where you will also find the unofficial translation of the Call.

The subject-matter of this Call for Applications is the award of scholarships for education to a maximum of 3 (three) applicants, nationals of Georgia, for postgraduate studies at higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia for individual level of education as follows:

  • 3 scholarships for master’s studies, or
  • 2 scholarships for master ‘s studies and 1 scholarship for doctoral studies, or
  • 2 scholarships for doctoral studies.

The scholarship is granted for:

  • living costs: in the amount of EUR 700,00 per month;
  • tuition fee in the set amount but not more than EUR 5.000,00 per individual academic year.

This Call for Applications has a rolling deadline, starting on its date of publication and continuing until all  available  funds  have  been spent or a maximum of 3  (three) available  scholarships awarded, which ever is earlier (closing date).

For additional please contact the Slovene Human Resources and Scholarship Fund directly,  Ms. Indira Džopa, ad-futura[@], +386 (0)1 43 41 566.


For more information read the unofficial translation of the Call or contact the Fund directly.

