University of Ljubljana Week


The traditional University of Ljubljana Week was held between 30 November and 6 December 2015. During that week, on 3 December, the University of Ljubljana celebrated the 96th anniversary of its operations or, rather, its first lecture.

This year’s University Week started by presenting the best research achievements of the University of Ljubljana in 2015 and holding a panel discussion entitled “Why invest in research?” A day later was the central event, the solemn session of the Senate of the University of Ljubljana, at which the University presented its top awards: Honorary Doctors, Honorary Senators, “Pro universitate labacensi” plaquettes, Golden plaquettes and certificates of recognition for young university teachers. On Wednesday the University of Ljubljana awarded the Prešeren Awards for students and certificates of recognition for the best study achievements by students of the University of Ljubljana, and on Thursday it awarded the titles Professor Emeritus of the University of Ljubljana and student awards for outstanding achievements and undertaking in the field of extracurricular activities.

Parallel to the central events, other events were also organised by the University of Ljubljana throughout the Week, all to enrich the importance of the anniversary and at the same time to honour those that make our university as it is: a temple of knowledge and a place for excellent people.

Photos by Željko Stevanić, IFP, d. o. o.

