Welcoming Culture


Culture in Slovenia is of great importance and Slovenes are very proud of their cultural heritage. In fact, Slovenia is the only country in Europe which celebrates a national cultural holiday, on 8th February, in remembrance of the country’s beloved poet, France Prešeren (1800-1849).

The 7th stanza of Prešeren’s poem, Zdravljica (A Toast) – which speaks of a peaceful and equal co-existence of the nations in the world – is Slovenia’s national anthem.

God’s blessing on all nations,
Who long and work for that bright day,
When o’er earth’s habitations,
No war, no strife shall hold its sway;
Who long to see
That all men free
No more shall foes, but neighbours be!

Though Slovenia has only existed as in independent country since 1991, it has a rich cultural past and present. The government provides significant funding for culture, and cultural events such as music, dance, literature, visual arts, film and theatre performances, are well-attended, and are often subsidised or even free.


Food is a vital part of a country’s culture. For such a small country Slovenia has an amazing 24 gastronomic regions, comprising over 170 distinguishable dishes. Each region has its own specialities and these are influenced by the neighbouring countries of Austria, Italy, Hungary and Croatia, making for a very diverse range of tastes and flavours.

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