Master’s Level


The application for enrolment in public and private higher education institutions in Slovenia (faculties,professional colleges, academies), i.e. in undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes is implemented electronically via the eVŠ Online Portal.

How to fill in an application for 2nd and 3rd cycle study programmes

Below you will find PDF documents describing each step of the application process.

  1. Enrolment application – Authentication with a SI-PASS username and password
  2. Personal information, Permanent residence, Address for notices
  3. Secondary education – Details of achieved qualifications
  4. Data on desired study
  5. Supplemental documents
  6. Review and submission of application

Submission of the application on the eVŠ online portal

If you wish to study in Slovenia, you have to apply by submitting an electronic application through the eVŠ web portal at You fill in the application with username and password.

Once the application has been successfully submitted, the candidate will receive a confirmation of the successful submission of his/her application to the e-mail address provided in the application form.

Applicants are obliged to monitor the e-mail address they have provided in their application for admission and the eVŠ web portal, as this is the means of communication and any invitation to complete their application for admission. It is up to the applicant(s) to ensure that the e-mail address provided in the application is valid.

Information on study programmes

The available enrolments are published in the call for enrolment, issued by the university or an independent higher education institution for their study programmes. Separate calls for enrolment for undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes are published separately, i.e. for full-time an part-time study. European Union member countries citizens may apply for enrolments that are intended for the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, while the non-EU countries citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship may apply for enrolments for foreigners.

The calls for enrolment in undergraduate and postgraduate study are normally published as follows:

  • comprehensive master study programmes (medicine, veterinary science etc.) at the beginning of February at the latest,
  • master study programmes usually in March or at the beginning of June at the latest.

Candidates should check other deadlines in the call for enrolments:

  • when special talents, abilities and skills tests will take place, if they present a requirement for enrolment in the study programme,
  • until what deadline attachments on documentary evidence, if the call for enrolment requires it, must be sent,
  • whether candidates have to pass a Slovene language exam prior to the enrolment in the first year and similar.

Supplemental documents

In the application and admission procedures, applicants must submit all the supplemental documents required for their application electronically via the eVŠ portal. Scanned documents or photographs of the original certificates and other required documents will be accepted as proof of the fulfilment of the entry requirements in the application and admission procedure.

For some study programmes, applicants are expected to have a level of proficiency in the language of the programme of study at the level specified for the programme of study in the call for enrollment (more information can be obtained directly at the higher education institution that offers a specific study program).

Higher education institutions and higher education application and information services shall serve or forward documents and notifications relating to the call for admission to applicants for information by postponing the document or notification to the eVŠ web portal.


Enrolment takes place at higher education institutions, which invite applicants in writing or electronically. Enrolment is based on a completed enrolment form.

Further information        

Technical assistance for problems with electronic signatures in SI-PASS: the Single Contact Centre of the Civil Service, e-mail: 

For assistance with questions about filling in the online application, e-mail:

For information on the application and admission procedure and proof of enrolment, applicants with foreign secondary school qualifications can obtain at the higher education institution where they wish to continue their study.

