Notification of the delay in the publication of scholarships based on bilateral agreements
We are informing all potential applicants for scholarships based on bilateral agreements that the revision of the national legislation is underway, and the publication of the scholarships will be delayed. All countries that have been on the list of recipients of scholarship months for academic year 2024-2025 Invitations until now the commitment remains and the number of allocated months will not change.
Obvestilo o zamiku objave štipendij na podlagi bilateralnih sporazumov
Potencialne prijavitelje za štipendije na podlagi bilateralnih sporazumov obveščamo, da je v teku prenova nacionalne zakonodaje in da bo objava za štipendije objavljena z zamikom. Državam, ki so bile do sedaj na seznamu prejemnic štipendijskih mesecev sporočamo, da zaveza ostaja in da se število dodeljenih mesecev ne spreminja.