Obvestilo veleposlaništva Švice v Sloveniji
Slovenski državljani so upravičeni kandidati magistrskega študijskega programa Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance (program MEIG), ki ga ponuja Univerza v Ženevi v sodelovanju z Uradom Združenih narodov v Ženevi. Na voljo je nekaj štipendij s strani ODA (Official developement Assistant). Naslednje izvajanje programa bo potekalo v študijskem letu 2025-2026, z začetkom septembra 2025.
Več informacij in vpis v program MEIG najdete na spletni strani: https://www.meig.ch/
Information from the Embassy of Switzerland in Slovenia
Slovenian nationals are eligible applicants for the Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance (MEIG programme) offered by the University of Geneva in cooperation with the United Nations Office at Geneva. Some scholarships are available from the ODA (Official Development Assistant). The next implementation of the programme will take place in the academic year 2025-2026, starting in September 2025.
For more information and to enrol in the MEIG programme, please visit: https://www.meig.ch/