Bilateral Scholarships for academic year 2025/2026

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia hereby offers the number of scholarship months to foreign nationals, based on bilateral agreements (between the governments/ministries) […]

Calls for Enrolment for Academic Year 2025/2026

CALL FOR ENROLMENT INTO UNDERGRADUATE (BACHELOR DEGREE) STUDY PROGRAMMES Places for Slovenian and European nationals are available to: – citizens of the Republic of Slovenia – citizens of the European […]

CfA: Scholarships for German Language Courses in Bavaria 2025

Dear Students, Study in Slovenia is pleased to inform you about the new scholarship opportunities offered by the Free State of Bavaria for German language courses at Bavarian higher education […]

Opportunities for Academic Cooperation with the Renmin University in Beijing

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing has received a dispatch regarding a recent visit to one of the three most important universities in Beijing, Renmin University. During […]

Study in Slovenia presentations in February

You are welcome to join us at the interactive info day STUDY IN SLOVENIA which will be held in February 2025. The online info days will give you the opportunity […]

Ludovika Scholars Program Application

The Ludovika University of Public Service (LUPS) invites applications from Central and Eastern European lecturers. LUPS is the leading higher education institution in Hungary in its fields of study: its […]

Join the World in Classroom project!

Are you an international student in Slovenia through Erasmus+, CEEPUS, Erasmus Mundus, or other mobility programs? Here’s how you can make the most of your stay: ✨ Present your culture, […]

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for Hungarian state scholarships 2025/2026

Based on the financial support of the Hungarian Government, Tempus Public Foundation offers scholarships for foreign higher education students, graduates and professionals who would like to gain further knowledge in […]

Notification of the delay in the publication of scholarships based on bilateral agreements

Notification of the delay in the publication of scholarships based on bilateral agreements We are informing all potential applicants for scholarships based on bilateral agreements that the revision of the […]

Information from the Embassy of Switzerland in Slovenia

Obvestilo veleposlaništva Švice v Sloveniji Slovenski državljani so upravičeni kandidati magistrskega študijskega programa Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance (program MEIG), ki ga ponuja Univerza v Ženevi […]

Study in Slovenia Online Information Events in November

Dear international students, welcome to join us at the upcoming online information events in November 2024! The online info days will give you the opportunity to obtain useful first-hand information […]

Study in Slovenia in Toulouse, EAIE

Report from the world's largest education trade fair and conference, which took place in Toulouse France in September 2024.

Obtaining residence and work permits for researchers and students

In order to facilitate and speed up the procedures for obtaining residence and work permits for both researchers and students, a meeting and discussion of stakeholders in these procedures took […]

Extension of the deadline for bilateral scholarships for 2024-25

The deadline for applying for bilateral scholarships for 2024-25 for some countries is extended until 1.9.2024. Students with the nationality of the following countries may apply: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, […]

Reopening of special window at the Ljubljana Administrative Unit in February

In order to facilitate the start of the new academic semester, the University of Ljubljana (UL) is, in cooperation with the Ljubljana Administrative Unit (UE Ljubljana), re-opening a special counter […]

Study in Slovenia Online Information Events in February

Dear international students, welcome to join us at the upcoming online information events in February 2024! The online info days will give you the opportunity to obtain useful first-hand information […]

Study in Slovenia Information Events in Montenegro and Bosnia and Hercegovina

Dear students from Montenegro and Bosnia and Hercegovina, welcome to join us at the upcoming  information events in November and December 2023!

Study in Slovenia Online Information Events in November

Dear international students, welcome to join us at the upcoming online information events in November 2023! The online info days will give you the opportunity to obtain useful first-hand information […]

Study in Europe Information Events for students from Argentina

Dear students in Argentina, Study in Slovenia is coming to Buenos Aires!   Check the dates and join us at the events if you wish to receive all the important […]

World in Classroom (WIC)

WIC is a national project where foreign students, who come to Slovenia through different programmes (Erasmus+, CEEPUS, Erasmus Mundus, bilateral agreements etc.), are connected with interested educational institutions throughout Slovenia […]


