Study in Slovenia Live Webinar for Indian Students


As part of the European Higehr Education Virtual Fairs (EHEVF), we are joining our colleagues from other countries in this virtual fair that will address Indian candidates, wishing to Study in Europe – Study in Slovenia 🙂

So if you are thinking of doing your study in a green, safe and welcoming country, with quality study programmes and many benefits of being a student, welcome to Study in Slovenia.

Meet representatives of our 4 universities – Katja Cerar (University of Ljubljana), Stojan Primozic (University of Maribor), Veronika Piccinini (University of Nova Gorica), Boris Kavur (University of Primorska) and Marja Medved from Study in Slovenia and hear all you need to know when deciding to study in our wonderful country!

See you live, this Friday, October 26th, at 10 30 Central European Time or rather 2 Standard Indian Time.

Have a look at our presentation: Study in Slovenia for India 26.10.2018


